Ukraine located in Eastern EuropeRussia is to the north-east of Ukraine, Belarus is to the north-westPoland and Slovakia are to the westHungaryRomaniaMoldova and the south-west and the Black Sea is to the south

About Ukraine

Ukraine is a republic. The second largest on the continent after Russia. The capital is Kyiv (Kiev), located on the Dnieper River in north-central Ukraine. It was a part of the Soviet Union from 1922 until 1991. Total population is 44.39 million and total land of area is 603,628 km² . Official language is Ukrainian.  Biggest cities are Kharkiv, Dnipro, Odesa, lviv, Zaporizhia. Ukraine is not EU country but soon they will join EU.

Overall, Ukraine is a very safe country. While there is an on-going conflict with Russia . it is isolated to the easternmost regions. When it comes to architecture and culture. Ivano-Frankivsk western Ukrainian city that was recognized as the best city to live in  Ukraine.

Kiev has four distinct seasons: a chilly winter, a mildly warm summer and a cool autumn and spring. Daily low temperatures remain below freezing through much of December, consider the summer months which start from June and continue till September. The days are sunny and pleasant, and nights are cool and comfortable. Sight Seining is very natural and very cheapest capital city in the Europe.

Why you Choose medical study in Ukraine?

Most of medical universities in Ukraine are internationally recognised and provide good quality medical education.  The educational programmes are regulated and approved by Ukraine’s Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Health. Ukraine has several government-funded medical colleges offering MBBS, MD in Ukraine and other medical degrees at a very affordable fee. Students who complete their MBBS or any other professional degree from a Ukrainian medical university can apply for work anywhere in the world.

Ukrainian Medical degree (MBBS) are recognised by the local competent bodies in the majority country in the world. International students who want to study in Ukraine and pursue their MBBS abroad.

The reason for international students chose medical study in the Ukraine because High standard of medical education with very low tuition fees. International medical conference and sports activities and government always help universities.

The cost of MBBS in Ukraine is very low

All international Students from all over the world are attracted to study MBBS in Ukraine by low living costs, low school fees and high-quality medical education. There is no need to pay the school fee in advance; instead, it will be paid directly to the University account on arrival in Ukraine.

Accreditation body worldwide

International Medical Education Directory (IMED) accredited, that’s means that students are eligible to take the United States Medical Licensing Examinations and enter Postgraduate Medical Residency training in the USA.

Accreditation of IMED is also recognised by the Education Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) and the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) .It is also Accredited British and German and medical association.

Who Can eligible for MBBS admission to Ukraine

Candidate has to achieve at least 50% marks in their HSC Exam in science group 70% English marks or 12 standard grades. There is no admission test or IELTS required. Only regular students get admission, study gap not expected. And full courses in English medium.

Is it Cheaper from Bangladeshi Private Medical College?

Yes, most of the university is cheaper than Bangladeshi private medical college including tuition fees and accommodation although students get high quality World recognise medical degree ( MBBS). It is better to choose Ukraine for medical study for Bangladeshi students.

Work facility while you studding in Ukraine

Students can apply for the Work Permit. Universities itself provides job placement in Ukraine and other western countries. MBBS in Ukraine provides a gateway to other European Countries as it has bilateral student agreements in place with countries such as Finland, Sweden.

Our Service to the students

We have affiliated partnership with --------- in order to recruitment students with Ukraine for MBBS study. As our contact they will provide you the following facilities when you staying and studying in the Ukraine.

  1. We will help Bangladeshi students via in our Ukrainian partner to gain admission to Ukraine top medical universities.
  2. You can contact our abroad education admission consultant for answers to all your questions related to MBBS in Ukraine.
  3. You can also contact us through a video call session to prevent coronavirus infection. Every year many Bangladeshi students choose Ukraine for MBBS education.
  4. Gives assistance to the parents of the students in getting the visa, who wants to visit the educational institutes. provides translation facilities to students for documentation purpose
  5. Gives assistance to the parents of the students in getting the visa, who wants to visit the educational institutes. provides translation facilities to students for documentation purpose
  6. Supports students during their stay in Ukraine: answer their e-mails, offer 24 hours support service.
  7. Supports students during their stay in Ukraine: answer their e-mails, offer 24 hours support service.
  8. Provides medical aid in the case of an unexpected illness, or student trauma (if the student has medical insurance), cooperates with all insurance companies. Emergency medical aid is provided 24 hours a day.
  9. Provides quality Indian/Bangladeshi food facilities to the students.
  10. Provides our students with law enforcement services; solve conflicts with the police if there is such a necessity. Knowing Ukrainian legislation very well,
  11. Can efficiently react on additional requests of higher educational establishments, foreign citizen’s offices, banks and other official Ukrainian institutions.

N.B. FSM Education hub is not liable or take any responsibility if any of above service committed by our partner in Ukraine and they mislead or breach or failed for any unexpected circumstances this any of service they supposed to provide.


Ukraine Universities

NB:We work at the listed university /colleges subject to the contract approval.